Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hobby days on Ice

Hey Hey Hey my little arch traitors,

Here goes the almost last catch up post on rather recent events. It's about the Night Lords project, which I have pushed way back on the to do shelf... it is on ice/hold  basically. For three reasons: 1. Forgeworld will come up with night lord bits and rules before this year is out. 2. I'll get some Dark Vengeance CSM out of a trade soon. 3. GW might even give them some love in form of a codex supplement. Who knows? I can wait; I mean it's not that I have nothing else to do.  Anyways here’s what I’ve done so far.

 Raptors Part 1

 Part 2

 Part 3


 A heaviely coverted chosen, 
who is to be on the same ornamentation level as the other DV ones. 
(also has magnetized weapon)

aaaaaand said shelf

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